Open IMS Core does’t have standard way to define connection to MRF (Media Resource Function) on Mr interface. In IMS Mr interface is based on SIP and is similar to ISC used by Application Server (AS). Because of that we can define MRF as IMS AS and just add Wildcard PSI that has trigger on that AS. That way we can attach MRF to our IMS network.

To emulate Mr interface follow those steps:

  1. Add Application Server in HSS web console -> Services -> Application Server -> Createas_create Most important is Server Name where MRF listens for SIP messages and Default Handling - if MRF doesn't reply we don't want call to be processed in S-CSCF anymore.
  2. Add  Trigger Point in HSS web console -> Services -> Trigger Points -> Createtp_create I restricted MRF to INVITE messages because every other message for controlling MRF is sent in dialog created with INVITE.
  3. Add Initial Filter Criteria in HSS web console -> Services -> Initial Filter Criteria -> Createifc_create
  4. Add Service Profile in HSS web console -> Services -> Service Profilessp_create

Finally add Wildcard PSI:

  1. Create IMS Subscription in HSS web console -> User Identities -> IMS Subscription -> Createimsu_create
  2. Create Private Identity in HSS web console -> User Identities -> Private Identity -> Createimpi_create Password can be random because this is PSI so it can't be registered.
  3. Create Public User Identity in HSS web console -> Public User Identity -> Private Identity -> Createimpu_create Notice the IMPU Type, Wildcard PSI, PSI Activation and Can register fields. Service Profile must match the one we created before.

In all examples replace with Your own IMS domain name and You are done. After that You can create conference by calling .